Mission Statement:
The land has a twofold use, firstly a portion of it would be used to provide temporary accommodations for workers of the Lord such as Missionaries, Evangelists, Ministers. The second portion would be used to build Town Houses with the purpose of selling them to generate additional income. This income would be needed to allow COGM to fulfill their long term goals of impacting the island of Trinidad and Tobago and by extension the rest of the world in the seven spheres of The Arts, Business, Education, Family, Government, Media, And Religion .In order to achieve this goal COGM would need to put the necessary infrastructure place, this is inclusive of Schools, Recording Studios, Youth Facilities, Businesses, Radio and TV stations etc. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us in this endeavor as we continue to exalt and magnify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Basic Information
Address: | Endeavor |
Postal: | 1234 |
Country: | Trinidad and Tobago |
Region: | Caroni |
City: | Chaguanas |
Chaguanas, Caroni, Trinidad And Tobago | Map It |
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